The Sacral Chakra —What to Know About the Sex and Sensuality Chakra

person's hand on their belly button

Laurence Monneret / Getty Images

The sacral chakra is an energy center in your body responsible for creativity, sexual pleasure, and sensuality. It is located below the naval at the pubic bone.

Read more to learn about the sacral chakra, what color it is, what it represents, and how to balance an overactive or blocked one.

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A Brief History of Chakras

In traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism, chakras are different areas in your body where energy is concentrated. In Sanskrit, the term “chakra” roughly translates to “wheel” or "circle" and corresponds to energy centers throughout the body.

There Are 7 Chakras

According to Hinduism, there are seven chakras of the human body. Moving from the base of our spine to the top of our head, they are:

  • Root chakra
  • Sacral chakra
  • Solar Plexus chakra
  • Heart chakra
  • Throat chakra
  • Third Eye chakra
  • Crown chakra

Activating your chakras can support a flow of energy through your body and may hep contribute to your overall well-being.

Each chakra correlates to acupuncture points along the body and is associated with a particular group of organs, nerve bundles, muscles, and endocrine connections.

A chakra acupuncturist may be able to help identify and treat overactive or blocked chakras. Activating your chakras can support a flow of energy through your body and may hep contribute to your overall well-being.

Does the Sacral Chakra Really Exist?

Identifying and activating energy centers such as chakras to treat medical conditions is not widely practiced or accepted in Western medicine. It is not broadly medically researched or well understood whether or not energy healing techniques have an effect on our physical body and mental and emotional function and whether activating chakras can ease symptoms or treat illnesses.

However, studies have shown that prayer, faith, and spirituality can have a positive impact on health outcomes.

A study looked at complementary alternative and integrative treatment (CAIM) for substance use disorders. It showed that CAIM strategies that focused on balancing energy fields such as chakras and meridians (which connect acupuncture points throughout the body) were effective at relieving symptoms such as anxiety, depression, stress, and pain.

What Color Is the Sacral Chakra?

Heather Shannon, an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist and Host of the top-ranked “Ask A Sex Therapist” podcast explains why the sacral chakra is orange and what it signifies.

“Each chakra or energy center has a frequency and this corresponds to a color. The frequency of the sacral chakra is said to be 417 Hz. This frequency is also known for its ability to remove negative frequencies.”

What Does the Sacral Chakra Represent?

It is said that the sacral chakra corresponds to the kidneys and reproductive organs and represents the following:

  • Creativity, self-expression 
  • Emotions, emotional intelligence
  • Sexuality, sensual pleasure, intimacy, sexual impulses, lustful feelings
  • Relationships, social fulfillment, healthy boundaries

Where Is My Sacral Chakra?

The sacral chakra is located a couple of inches below your belly button along the spine.

Is My Sacral Chakra Blocked?—How to Tell

Stress, anxiety, trauma, abuse, physical ailments, and/or unhealthy lifestyle habits can cause a blocked chakra. A blocked chakra may manifest as physical and emotional disruptions in your body.

Heather Shannon, Sex Therapist

Maybe you have a lower libido because of the blockage of sexual energy or you keep meeting great people on dates, but nothing is working out because you’re not emotionally available. If you’re an artist, you may feel creatively blocked.

Physical Health Issues

A blocked energy center can cause our body’s physiology to become dysfunctional. It may prevent the digestive, renal, and reproductive systems from working optimally.

“Physical health issues associated with the sacral chakra could include intestinal problems or problems with reproductive organs, or kidney issues. Energy can be translated in our body quite literally, so a blocked sacral chakra might cause a problem like constipation…Or it may involve poor kidney function and detoxification, meaning your detox pathways are literally clogged up,” says Shannon.

According to Ayurvedic medicine, pathological disorders associated with an imbalanced sacral chakra include menstrual problems, bed wetting, prostatitis, impotence, testicular, ovarian, and uterine diseases, lumbar pain, and arthritis.

Emotional Health Issues

A blocked sacral chakra can negatively affect your sexual energy, creativity, and the quality of your relationships.

Shannon explains, “Maybe you have a lower libido because of the blockage of sexual energy or you keep meeting great people on dates, but nothing is working out because you’re not emotionally available. If you’re an artist, you may feel creatively blocked.”

Is My Sacral Chakra Too Active?

Your sacral chakra can become overactive if you have an excessive flow of energy to this area; this creates an imbalanced amount of energy going to this particular energy center.

You may have unhealthy boundaries and are tapping into this energy source excessively to deal with stress or life problems.

An overactive sacral chakra can interfere with your creativity, sexual appetite, and emotions. 

“This could look like lots of creativity, but not being very grounded. It could look like lots of sex or masturbation to the point it is interfering [with] other areas of life. The sacral chakra is also a very potent emotional energy center and when it’s overactive, you may feel consumed by emotion or cry a lot,” says Shannon.

Emotions associated with an imbalanced sacral chakra include lust, jealousy, and insatiable desire.

How to Bring Balance to Your Sacral Chakra

There are many ways you can work with the activation of your sacral chakra. Balancing your sacral chakra may improve creativity and help you to solve problems better. When your sexual energy becomes more fluid, your body may be able to physically move easier.

Use Water to Balance Your Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra is associated with creative flow and physical movement; the fluidity of the water element can help balance a blocked sacral chakra.

Spend time in a bath, pool, lake, or ocean. Take a shower and let the water wash over you.

Shannon advises, “While you are in the water, visualize the dissolving and breaking up of any blockage that’s been bothering you.”

Try a cup of hot tea to relieve a blocked chakra. “[C]old water turns into a solid (a blockage!) while warm water helps dissolve and break up blockages,” explains Shannon. 

Incorporate Joyful Movements

Regular physical activity can help get your blood flowing and clear a blocked chakra. It doesn’t have to be complicated or extreme. Find a fun and enjoyable way to move your body.

Shannon suggests, “Dance can be particularly good since you can naturally access both creative and sensual energy while dancing.”

Lean Into the Color Orange

You could also try adding more orange to your life. This may mean wearing orange-colored clothes, eating orange foods, lighting an orange candle and/or adding orange items to your home. 

Get Professional Help

If you’re struggling to overcome your relationship problems and sexual challenges, it’s important to reach out to an expert such as a counselor or sex therapist for help.

They may be able to offer support, healing practices, and guidance on how to improve your sexual and emotional well-being.

Tips to Ease an Overactive Sacral Chakra

Directing your focus and energy to other chakras can be an effective way to calm down an overactive chakra.

Shannon explains, “Intention is powerful and you can send that energy to your root to ground you, to your solar plexus to empower you, to your heart to open you up, to your throat to express your truth, to your third eye to trust your own intuition or to your crown to connect with something greater than yourself.”

Does Sex Help to Bring Balance to the Sacral Chakra?

Sex may be able to help relieve a blocked sacral chakra. Specifically, having an orgasm can release and increase the production of feel-good hormones. Orgasms can increase the movement of the lymphatic system and help detoxify your body.

“[Orgasms] can also facilitate [a] more intimate connection with ourselves and/or a partner so [it] helps to clear up relationship blockages and sexual energy blockages at the same time while supporting detoxification,” explains Shannon.

What This Means For You

There is a limited amount of scientific research focused on chakras and healing energy techniques. However, strategies to activate your chakras such as moving your body regularly, taking a dip in a pool, and enjoying a cup of tea are great ways to practice self-care and boost your mood. Ultimately, it doesn’t hurt to try.

4 Sources
Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
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  3. Maurer N, Nissel H, Egerbacher M, Gornik E, Schuller P, Traxler H. Anatomical Evidence of Acupuncture Meridians in the Human Extracellular Matrix: Results from a Macroscopic and Microscopic Interdisciplinary Multicentre Study on Human CorpsesEvid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2019;2019:6976892. Published 2019 Mar 21. doi:10.1155/2019/6976892

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By Katharine Chan, MSc, BSc, PMP
Katharine is the author of three books (How To Deal With Asian Parents, A Brutally Honest Dating Guide and A Straight Up Guide to a Happy and Healthy Marriage) and the creator of 60 Feelings To Feel: A Journal To Identify Your Emotions. She has over 15 years of experience working in British Columbia's healthcare system.