Hannah Owens

Hannah Owens 

Hannah Owens, LMSW

Mental Health/General Health Editor


Mental Health


New York University



Hannah is the Mental Health Editor for performance marketing. After earning her LMSW from New York University, Hannah began as a mental health clinician, working in a community residence program for those with serious mental illness, a PROS (Personalized Recovery Oriented Services) program for people with SMI and addiction disorders, and providing group and individual therapy. She was also the sole developer for a program created specifically for patients at a high risk of hospitalization, which included overseeing a 24-hour phone hotline, designing and running multiple strengths-based groups, and managing a large caseload of clients.

Transitioning from clinical work, Hannah used her expertise in the mental health field to create extensive content for higher education social work and psychology materials. She has written and edited assessment questions for bachelor’s and master’s level exams and created educational scripts used as study materials for various MCAT subjects. Additionally, Hannah worked as a project manager developing Social Emotional Learning activity cards for elementary schools, managing her own team of freelance writers, illustrators, and graphic designers.

Hannah brings a unique combination of skills to her work as an editor, utilizing her clinical experience to make difficult mental health topics feel manageable and approachable, while also providing multiple perspectives to the field of mental health.


Hannah has a master’s in social work from New York University, graduating with a 4.0 GPA and a membership in the Phi Alpha Honor Society, Pi Pi Chapter. She also attended NYU as an undergraduate, earning her BFA in Theatre and a minor in Anthropology with honors in only three years.

About Verywell Mind

Verywell Mind, a Dotdash Meredith Brand, is an award-winning, trusted, and compassionate online resource that provides the guidance you need to improve your mental health and find balance. We take a human approach to health and wellness, and reach more than 150 million readers annually. Verywell Mind content is fact checked and reviewed by our Review Board for accuracy and integrity. Learn more about us and our editorial process.

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